RAPTOR-WLS R35 wildlife control
Expels wild boars, keeps deers away
The RAPTOR-WLS "Wildschweinschreck" and "Rehschreck" were developed in cooperation with Swiss ZHAW scientists to control the wild boar plague.Language of wild boars, language of deers is used to keep them away:
Wild boars and deer produce a variety of sounds with which they communicate. In case of danger, they encounter so-called
sounds of fear, warning and alarm. Exactly these sounds are used in the RAPTOR-WLS to alarm wild boars.
or to keep them deliberately away from certain areas.
Sound selection of central importance:
Wild boars are extremely flexible and adaptive.
Therefore, in the development of the RAPTOR-WLS, a sustained high impact and avoidance of a habituation effect had the highest priority. The sound selection plays an extremely important role:
- The sounds used and their meaning in the language of wild boars and deer are proven by scientific studies.
- The sounds hit the animals directly on their instinct level and are therefore hardly to train off (= hardly/no habituation)
- Wild boar and roe deer sounds are accompanied by additional sounds suggesting danger and changed at random.
- The wild boar sounds are relatively harmless to humans.
available as
especially against wild boars
double-soundchip - switchable between normal and aggressive sounds
especially against deers
double-soundchip - switchable between normal and aggressive sounds
Combined device "deer-wild boar"
double-soundchip for deer / wild boar (switchable)
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