wildlife repeller device

wildlife repellant device

wildlife repellant device

acoustic wildlife repeller RAPTOR

Wild animals are an important part of our natural landscape.
However, when wild animals leave their natural habitats and enter neighbouring agricultural landscapes, conflicts and agricultural damage are often unavoidable.
The RAPTOR acoustic wildlife defence can drastically reduce damages caused by roe deer or wild boar.

In the prevention of wildlife damage we can offer two solutions:

  •     RAPTOR Bird / wildlife repeller: switchabel from universal bird repeller to universal wildlife repeller.
  •     RAPTOR WLS wild boar repeller "Wildschweinschreck" and roe deer repeller "Rehschreck" specially optimized for the targeted animal species: Deer and/or wild boars. It incorporates the latest scientific findings of behavioral research. Developed in cooperation with the university ZHAW.CH in switzerland.
The present repellent device bases on the newest scientific findings of behavior
research focusing on species-typical communication in wild boars. The
Wildschweinschreck uses several innovations in order to avoid habituation of wild
boar and enhance its effect compared to conventional devices:
• Species-specific calls of several wild boar individuals are used to chase away wild
boars in their own language
• Additional sounds that wild boars associate with danger are used to increase the
• Combinations of sounds are randomly produced with variation of time-intervals
• The device is powerful, robust and weatherproof
R31 - Bird / Wildlife
759,00 EUR
incl. 20% tax excl. Shipping costs
R35 - Bird / Wildlife
840,00 EUR
incl. 20% tax excl. Shipping costs
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