
Bird problems in the INDUSTRY

Birds can also cause significant damage for industry:

Auto industry: damage or mess (paint damage) on new cars that are kept outdoors.
Chemical industry: to equipment and components, general disturbance of the plant by birds.
Warehouses: disruption of operation
Water treatment plants, landfills: disruption of operation
Protection of birds: In some instances, it is necessary to keep birds away from certain areas for their own protection.
Spread of disease:
For example, pharmaceutical firms, and also industries such as fish farms, must prevent birds from carrying diseases into their areas.


Bird problem solutions:

In industrial situations, the robust and powerful RAPTOR R56 is often used.
Depending on the application, a completely automatic solution could be called for, such as the RAPTOR R56solar or the R56remote.
Due the number of workers usually found in industrial settings, the added-value that would be provided by remote operation to reduce the workload is usually relatively low.
Custom solutions such as Power supplies, external speakers, special software, are available by request.
For less complicated applications, RAPTOR R31 or R42 are also possibilities.


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